Women’s look: what kind of men we avoid on dating sites

Men who expect to find a loved one, and not a date for one night, should pay attention to ten stop-signals that women say: “Do not answer him”.

Fill the profile on the page of the dating site – it would seem that it could be easier? For a man who is looking for a partner for one night, this is not a problem. Especially if he does not hide his intentions. But those who hope to find something more serious make ridiculous mistakes. And they eventually stand dating with cleveries and beauties, for which they came here. How they scare us off?

Nickname. Do not hide for the names of the heroes of films or series, it looks childish. Of course, a veiled invitation to sex should not be read in

Mnoge žene ne rade iz različitih razloga: netko sprječava drevnu seksualnu ozljedu, nečije zdravlje. Pa kamagra tablete i ako čitanje moje priče neće izaći, ne brinite: niste u krivu! Možete uživati ​​u nekom dodiru čak i bez orgazma, jer je prepoznavanje vašeg tijela prekrasno i vrlo korisno iskustvo.

your virtual pseudonym. Nickname, which alarms or repels, will repel the desire to go to your page. Even if you wrote about yourself adequately, witty and we could be interesting, the game is lost in the beginning.

Cellphy in the bathroom. This is not the best place for the first visual dating. If you decide to capture yourself in this part of the house, make us not observing the mess.

Car, dog and dawn (sunsets) instead of a photo. For some reason, many choose these avatars instead of their real portrait, but we don’t really like to imagine you in the form of cars, animals and natural phenomena. We want to get an idea of your appearance. It will be better if you post a photo in full growth and portrait, on which you smile.

Banal information. Let’s guess: work is important to you and you devote a lot of time to it. You love music and hate melodramas, love the dog. Familiar? Here for us too, because we have already read it thousands of times. Try to show imagination and tell something unusual, which would allocate you from a series of people who also work and also love pets. Ask a friend or child, if you have it, describe you, share their observations. This can attract our attention.

Empty profile. Together with the lack of photography, this is a sign that you are not free and are afraid that one of your friends will recognize you.

Messages written under a carbon copy. “Hi, how are u, beauty?”,” Close?»You will most likely never get the answer to these questions. Because you sent these standard messages to everyone who has currently been online. If a woman is interested in you, carefully read her profile and ask a question from which it would be clear that you are addressing her personally.

Spelling, smiles and reduction. The Internet has formed its own language of communication, and yet your profile should not look like a teenager messenger, with a barely understandable reduction in words and an abundance of slang. Smiley is also not the best idea. We are not 15 years old and it does not seem to us that “cool”.

The discrepancy of information. If in one photo you have an athlete that lifts the rods or runs a marathon, and on another put a mug with beer on the stomach, we are lost in conjecture: how you look today? Whether to expect that you and the beard, or again made friends with the razor, which demonstrates another photograph? We would like to rely on more reliable information.

Your questionnaire is laid out on all sites. If we are interested in you, we can find additional information through the search engine that shows your questionnaire on all sites. Those where they get acquainted for a serious relationship, and those where participants are interested only in sex. Decide that you are interested in and place the questionnaire on the appropriate resources.

The image of the eternal sufferer. Everyone has a lot of experiences behind. But if in your profile we only read about how you were betrayed and left and how you still suffer from this, it tires. We do not want to turn into your virtual vest and another reason for suffering.

We believe in the intentions of most of you. It would be a shame to break out because of the barriers that you yourself put in the way of dating and recognizing each other.

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